"Every day counts when we are devoted to God!" -Elizabeth George (A Woman After God's Own Heart)

Jesus was forsaken so we would never be. -Dr. John Barnett

Daily Scripture Verse

"Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall." -Psalm 55:22

Monday, December 25, 2006

Life on the Fence Post

Life is a lot like trying to balance on a wooden fence, trying not to fall off. On your left you’ve got the world yelling at you telling you, “Come on! Jump over on this side! It’ll be a lot of fun! You can do whatever you want and there are no consequences!”
You see what they’re doing and it looks very enticing, but then from somewhere on your right you hear Him (which is Jesus Christ). In a still small voice, He calls to you and says, “Come to me and find rest, you who are weary.(Jeremiah 31:25) I love you with all of My heart. (John 3:16) Trust in Me and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31)
You look over at Jesus, then back at the world. The world is calling you to join the fun, and Jesus is calling you to follow Him. You look over your shoulder back at Jesus, and His nail pierced hands stretch out toward you. He smiles at you...a smile that brings tears to your eyes.
You look away from Jesus, and turn your eyes onto the world. They look like they’re having the time of their lives, you think to yourself. You hear His voice again. He says only one word to you...”Come.”
You make a decision, and you jump..., but on what side of the fence did you jump on? It’s your choice. You have to decide.
You may think that you can just stay balanced on the fence, but the truth is...you can’t. You’re going to fall, and I assure you that when that happens; you won’t land on the right side.
The world may seem enticing, but in the end it leads to destruction and death. Proverbs 14:12- There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
Think about it. Cory died of lung cancer because he smoked. Sammy got AIDS because she slept with 5 different people a week. Tony died because he overdosed on some drugs. Death and destruction is all around us. Every thing we do has consequences to it...whether good or bad.
You have to make the decision to follow Christ. Nothing I say can make you do it. It’s your decision...what are you going to do?

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